About Us
Great Adirondack was started back in 1982. We moved to the farm, and in the beginning dyed all of the yarn in the kitchen. Used the dining room to store yarns, the living room to for shipping, and the bathtub to soak the yarns to get ready for dyeing.
Looking back, not sure how we even did it.
Looking back, not sure how we even did it.
Now, all these years later, and the many learning curves, here we are with a dye studio behind the garage, and a large addition for the office, shipping, and a place to have way too many yarns and more.
We still have a wholesale business for our shops, primarily on the East Coast. We then (one of the learning curves) opened an internet store, when realizing that the ecommerce platforms were taking yarns, ribbons, sari silks, etc, directly to the end user.
So, we opened Sweet Horse Design Co., and here we are.
The pictures below, are from our farm.
Deck overlooking the pasture, and as always as many flowers as I can plant.
My Rosie Grady, one of 3 charming cats, and one red nosed pittie, all the loves of our lives.
Penny and Hope, thinking we had treats.
My front gardens,one of many.